Tuesday 17 February 2015

Learn To Trade the Raw Price Action of the Forex Market

Author: Nial Fuller
If you are a complete beginner to the Forex market, you should strongly consider learning how to trade off the 'raw' or uninhibited price action of the market before doing anything else. What I mean by 'raw' price action is the natural price movement on a chart that occurs as a result of market variables, without any indicators laid over top of it. The truth is that most beginning traders end up caught in a game of constantly over-analyzing the market and over-complicating it by trying to trade off indicator or software-based trading systems.
Such trading systems almost always fail over time as market conditions change, this is because these systems are purposely built to be mechanical and the market is anything but mechanical. Thus, what you need is some high-quality free forex education on a simple yet flexible and effective trading strategy like price action. When you learn how to trade the Fx market with forex price action, you are learning how to not only find trade setups, but also how to identify trends, trading ranges, and generally read the overall market structure.
Most other trading methods skip out on this very important part of learning to trade. You have to actually know how to make sense of the market\'s natural price movement; otherwise you are simply going to be like a mechanic trying to fix a car without understanding how an engine works. It\'s especially important to get a quality beginners forex trading education, because if you do not learn the basics of Forex and price action trading from a genuine source, you are probably going to struggle to build an effective approach to trading the markets.
Once you have made the decision to learn forex price action, you need to really dig into it and make a commitment to yourself to truly become a price action 'master'. If you don\'t take the attitude of wanting to 'master' whatever it is you want to succeed at in life, you will never achieve your goals, and learning to trade with price action is no different. Many newbie traders think they can skip out on learning from a solid beginner forex trading course; or they simply think it\'s not that important. The truth of the matter is that most traders take this approach, and most traders fail to make money in the markets, so what does that tell you?
So, the point of today\'s brief lesson is that if you are a beginning trader and looking for a good way to build a solid foundation for your Forex trading career, you should strongly consider getting a high-quality forex education in price action trading. Price action is the only trading method that will actually provide you with a real skill that you can use in any market and in any market condition. So, be sure to look for free forex trading instruction that supplies you with a thorough understanding of at least the basics of price action forex trading.

About the Author
Nial Fuller is a Respected Trader and Forex Coach. He runs a Forex Training and Education Website, Visit his site here Forex trading education

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