Friday 20 March 2015

Online stock market- How effective it is?

Author: Souvik D.

The online stock market is a share market evolved in the medium of internet to meet the needs of users on a global scale. It is extremely effective as it attracts a huge client base comprising of both educated customers as well as novice amateurs. Admist the confusion regarding the reliability of the online share market, it is essential to clear the air about certain misnomers and rumors. Well this article attempts to do just that. Apart from listing some of the major advantages of the online share trading, it also enlists a few problems it may pose if people get too dependent on it in the long run.
The pros:
  • Convenience: Online share markets are basically nothing but share trading websites that allow one to explore the various aspects and trends of the current share market scenario of the country. One can make investments at the convenience of one's home rather than waiting in queues outside offices for long periods of time. Until a few decades ago, the situation was very different. Share investments were a chaotic affair, but with the advent of internet, one can avail the advantage of share investments at the comfort of one's home.
  • Reliability: Many websites pertaining to stock markets house information regarding the latest trends of the ongoing stock scenario. These trends are updated on a regular basis depending upon the fluxes and changes undergoing in the market. This kind of a regular update enables clients to make smart investments by reviewing the situation and weighing the pros as well as cons of making a particular investment.
  • Step by step guide: Reliable stock market websites enlist verified numbers of brokers and lenders as well as mediators. These brokers provide a plethora of services at a minimal cost. Although these services are carried out in the virtual world, they are very much accurate. Also these websites provide step by step instructions in the form of tips and suggestions, which enable users, especially who are first time investors to make the right investment which would lead them to the path of success.
The cons:
  • Abstract world: Apart from its advantages, the internet also is a breeding place for several frauds who aim to make shortcut money through dirty business. For people who are fresh in this line, it is difficult for them to distinguish between genuine websites and the fake ones who are out there simply to extort money from innocent public by all means. It is actually very easy for such websites to lure people through promising deals and colorful advertisements.
  • Arbitary information: Not every detail or data submitted on a stock market website is hundred percent accurate. To some extent, the information provided does come across as fake or arbitary as they changes in the stock market occur every fleeting second. These changes are not always documented and updated. Thus it is not possible always to get a grip of the actual ongoing condition of the real-time stock market.
To summarize, online stock market has its pros and cons both. It can be extremely effective if one chooses the right website to make deals.

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1 comment:

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